Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

I, Leslie Salazar, affirm that I completed my Independent Component 1 which represents 36 hours of work.

My mentor Brenda Prokop helped me with my Independent Component 1. 

My Independent Component 1 hours are updated on the right side of my blog under the link as Senior Project Hours. 

What I completed for Independent Component 1 was following the schedule that  my mentor Brenda Prokop gave me for my daily workouts. This really is the most important and helpful source so far for this project besides mentorship. I think got 2 of my answers to my EQ from this independent component.    

My 36 hours of Independent component 1 was I basically followed my daily workout plan that my mentor created for me. What I learned  was the importance of weight training and how to prevent injury during a workout. Then whatever I learned that day I would research the science part behind all of this stuff. I've learned so much from this independent component. I will be putting up  videos of the different workouts that are helpful to all for preventing injury in the gym. I also have pictures of the supplements and nutrition that I have been taking and eating.  I actually have previously put up pictures of my monthly workout plan and my protein shake that I consume after a workout for my extra blog assignment.

This component really gave me more time to really research and discover many great ways that I could answer my EQ. The foundation of this component is really the basics of getting fit and getting to know how muscle mass is really increased. Training almost everyday to really become an expert in training to build muscle has made me realizes that it takes time to start seeing results. There is lots to still learn but I now know the 2 most important parts for my EQ.

1 comment:

  1. When I click they videos, they say "this video is private." Please show them to me separately next time we have a House block or at lunch.
